Free Gluten!

Another post about American anxiety. I'll keep this rant short 😉

OK, so what's up with our continued obsession over Gluten free everything???

When it comes to eating, in my household,  its everything in moderation including gluten. Gluten free? No Way!  I say, Free Gluten! (That would be a great T-shirt). I do realize there are some who are truly intolerant to gluten products and suffer from Celiac or other painful GI diseases, but I think the majority of folks out there who have the energy to thrown on designer athletic wear and prance around town proudly exclaiming that they can't digest gluten are just full of something else. 💩

Here's a post I saw a few weeks ago that now makes me laugh out loud uncontrollably every time I see a bagel.  I'm totally craving gluten now! 🍞

One thought on “Free Gluten!

  1. Ha ha! Funny quote. I think it’s funny when people think “gluten free = a diet” A lot of those GF products are loaded with a lot of bad stuff or extra sugar sometimes…. not necessarily healthy.

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